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Monday, July 20, 2009

Remove Melchizedek Off Your Cites, by Order of the Christal Knight!

Remove the order of the Melchizedek off your cites, by the words and order of a Christal Knight, the Elder Crystal person who has come this day, to help you shed your ways. White Buffalo Calf Woman is what they call me, for God has sent me to show you love. And your Twin Deer Mother who will say, don't learn how to be lost, just come home and play. And learn the great give-a-way, then you will know what to say. Until that day does comes, then I say to you, don't use untruths to make your name go into the blue. Use the heart that speaks of love and give it all away as above. (heaven)

No Sharing, You Sell Everything, you are a Spiritual Fraud.
Jesus Christ is a Crystal Person and he does not support the use of money at all. Remember he kicked the money mongers table over, even his own Jewish Brothers. For Christ or Crystal people, always walk with God as Ordained Kings of Heaven. Only Heaven can offer this Crown, not Earth. He is ordained as a Melchizedik, like all Crystal people who choose to be. This is written in your Garment of light. You cannot rewrite this Book of life! It is the truth of your Evolution. Thoth is Communicating Holiness (his sacred eldest direction in his garment of lights), a spiritual being from Heaven, who is not a Crystal person, but the color is a vibration or number, which only the Jews can give you the truth of his mathematical perfection written in his light, a son, an even number, but is the color of Communicating Holiness.

White Buffalo Calf Woman, says that, "These people who walk in the perfect law only exists in the House of the Beloved, King David's House, Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star. We are the Yellow Family, who shall lead the Oneness of God homeward, the four sacred colors and directions! Walk with us and walk with God. Go against us and go against God, the Oneness of all, who ordained the perfection.We all have our gifts and we belong to thee.

Warriors of the Earth
Saturday, July 18, 2009

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