There is much for you to learn this day, just turn to those who know how, the Natives who will hold your hand, and watch your display. The Rainbow has many colors and you don't know which way. Dont' think you are the answer, when there are so many more displays. The truth you do not hold, only Crystals everywhere, the people who wear diamonds and dance in the air. You don't know that walk about, one in fifteen everywhere, and you think they only just arrived here. My goodness, you need to listen to your team, the many groups who long to speak, the many groups within. The people have a right to know that your fraud will not save the day, you only need speak the truth to find the beloved hay. (golden era) Writing that these are truths, from where did you say? You didn't even get their names, you didn't even care! Who do you think you are talking to, if they too have a name. What a shame you have put to them, when you make all the claims. You didn't offer them a blessing, you didn't care. You didn't ask them their name, you just stole what is in the air. Just like others who seem to be the good pair, but we know the truth in you, the lack of loving there.
I shall put the truth to this article right here, but those who know the truth of God, will offer up the stare (vision). They will receive the way, of loving each day. For you need to realize that you are only one out there. We need to be together and not apart like you, who think of nothing but his own truth. The culmination of many is the fact of God this way, the days run into years and then millennium is here to stay. The dawning will bring much to us, those who survive and listen with their ears, but those who turn a deaf cheek (no tears, they don't care) to those who are in the heavens air, will only receive the death of mind, the intelligence you seek, because the heavens have a heart, the very ones that you need. The very ones you dart. The valley of the darkness is known with loving tears, putting them before the self and not claiming self instead. (you will not be able to walk into the valley of darkness without tears of loving others, putting them before self and not claiming self, before others.) My goodness what have we come to if we don't even care, the way he is speaking right here.
Steve Rother I know that you share, but only the visions of lemon drops in the air.(sour untruths) Your Group needs to learn a lot from you and everyone. (not just from you) Please ask their names and learn to gift the treasure of love in the air. They need you and not only your truth, but truth of everywhere! Don't forget to bless the wind, the God that flows free. For you need to bless freely, if you want relief from your disease!
Sung by White buffalo calf Woman, your twin deer mother, Elder Crystal Person
Visit Crystal Indigo Children Blogspot for truth about Crystal and Indigo Children
Steve Rother,
(violet with magenta overlay Steve Rother, which means you get a little information which is in the light or horizon which means you cannot see into the darkness. And as such there is much mistruth about your data you receive. Only a true crystal can sea in the darkness and only a true indigo can see in the light. If you want to know more visit http://crystal-indigo-children.blogspot.com for explanation of terms crystal and indigo.)
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, elder crystal person, 48 years old not just coming in, my goodness talk about untruth about Crystal and Indigo People, Steve Rother is sharing from his GROUP! You cannot see truth you are a Violet person. if you want to know your colors or song, please email whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com